Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Day 288: Poltergeist

I can't even remember when I first saw this one although I think I saw Poltergeist II and III more often due to HBO reruns.

Poltergeist is about what you get when you build a housing development on top of a cemetery. The Freeling family is happy and content in their home until Carol Anne, the youngest, begins communing with a television turned to static. After an earthquake, she announces that "They're here" and the real fun begins. Little things start moving and breaking of their own accord until we build up to a giant tree attacking Robbie (the son) while Carol Anne gets sucked into a portal in her closet. The efforts to figure out how to get Carol Anne back and protect the family make up the rest of the movie but that still includes creepy clowns, ceiling walking and a swimming pool full of coffins.

Spielberg seemed determined to make the modern suburban home just as scary as he made the ocean in Jaws. He wrote the movie and produced it at the very least (some say he actually directed it). Tobe Hooper, of Texas Chainsaw Massacre fame, is the listed director but, if you watch the movie...it looks like a Spielberg movie through and through. By making everyday things (like an old tree in the backyard) extra creepy, Spielberg made a classic haunted house movie for the modern age. Craig T Nelson is great as the kind of thick dad. Zelda Rubinstein as Tangina kind of steals the show with her over-the-top line readings and squeaky voice.

If you've never seen Poltergeist, you should check it out. It is very much of its time but still holds up very well.

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