Sunday, August 13, 2017

Day 286: Psycho

I mean, really, if you haven't seen this one...what are you doing?

Psycho is, seemingly, the story of Marion Crane. She steals a wad of cash from her employer and goes on the run. Unfortunately for her, she chooses to stop at the Bates Motel, run by a single creepy guy who seems a little to close to his mother. Bad things ensue and as people come looking for Marion, more bad things ensue.

Psycho is one of those unassailable horror movies that can only be ruined with a shot for shot remake. The construction of the movie is beautiful as you are following a true crime story that turns into a cautionary tale. From there on, the game is on with Marion's sister, a private eye and a boyfriend all hunting for her and being led into Norman's spider-web. Everything Hitchcock doesn't show is pretty much a masterclass in how to make a murder scene. Anthony Perkins is delightful as Norman, talking about his mom and his taxidermy. Vivian Leigh gives a real weight of frantic energy to her thief on the run. The whole thing plays like a Tales From the Crypt story that just keeps going.

If you haven't seen this classic, I'm not sure what to say to convince you. If all you know is the shower scene, you don't know most of what makes this a solid flick. If you are watching for the first time, sit back and enjoy!

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