Saturday, July 22, 2017

Day 264: Antichrist

Not sure why I watched this one...but oh boy.

Lars Von Trier has always made provocative movies but I heard Antichrist was a little extreme. Sure enough, the opening sequence is hardcore sex between a married couple while their toddler wanders out an open window to his death. This wrecks Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg as the couple. They then decide to travel to a remote cabin to help the healing process only, one of them is not interested in healing so much as punishing themselves and the other...graphically and horribly.

A meme popped up around this movie as there is a talking fox in one part who just says "Chaos Reigns." That is about as comforting and cutesy as you are going to get in this flick. Otherwise, there are mutilated sex organs, bloody orgasms and enough gender politics to make you think you aren't watching a snuff film.

I can't, in good conscience, recommend this movie to anyone but it is, in fact, horrific. You will see things you cannot unsee and it is brutal. In the end, there might be a class of horror film I am too wussy for and this is in that class.

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